Mission Statement
Indie Film Junction was created for independent filmmakers and cinephiles, alike. Our goal is to serve as a promotional resource for independent filmmakers and an educational resource for those who are interested in learning about filmmaking and feel the best way to accomplish that is to provide exposure to working filmmakers, focusing not just on the final product, but also the filmmaking process, inspiration, lessons learned, and practical advice. IFJ will also be a celebration of the tenacity, perseverance, and independent spirit required to make and release a film outside of the studio system, and in many cases, with extremely modest resources.
We will try to demystify all aspects of development and production with the aim of encouraging would-be filmmakers to go and make their movie while giving exposure to movies that might otherwise get released with little to no fanfare.
There are tens of thousands of independently produced feature films in the United States each year. We want to shine a light on the ones that don’t enter the big festivals with a distribution deal already in place.