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- Science Fiction
COSMOS is a modern sci-fi mystery following three amateur astronomers who accidentally intercept what they believe is a signal from an alien civilization.
Realizing they may have just stumbled across Mankind’s greatest discovery, they must race to document their finding, prove its authenticity and share it with the world before it is lost forever… but the truth they uncover is even more incredible than any of them could have imagined.
Runtime 128
Released 2019
Director Elliot Weaver & Zander Weaver
Producer Elliot Weaver & Zander Weaver
Writer Elliot Weaver & Zander Weaver
Cast Tom England, Arjun Singh Panam, Josh Ford, Ben Vardy
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Filmmaker Statement
COSMOS is modern sci-fi with a nostalgic feel - inspired by the character driven movies of the Amblin-era where the ordinary meets the extraordinary and the extraterrestrial. It isn’t gritty, hard-nosed take on first contact, but a story of friendship, wonder and the belief that our search for new life brings out the best in us. COSMOS was produced by a core crew of three and cast of three. It was made over a period of 5 years with no financial backing. All gear and locations were pre-owned or borrowed. COSMOS was made to demonstrate the potential of the directors and the talent involved... and we think we've done a pretty splendid job. From a friend's garage in Birmingham, UK to a Premiere in the heart of Hollywood.
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