In a misguided attempt to protect his friend from an extortionist, a man hijacks a blackmail scheme...
- Action
- Comedy
After being dumped and fired, Jim tries to put his life back together only to be thrown into a cartel war. Now with the help of his best friend Paul, Jim must stay alive, improvise and try to save his relationship. Talk about a bad case of the Monday’s.
Runtime 60
Released 2019
Director Alejandro Montoya Marin
Producer Robert Rodriguez , Alejandro Montoya Marin, Ryan Halsey , Kenneth Mcglothin
Writer Alejandro Montoya Marin
Cast Jamie H Jung, Anna Schatte, Kenneth Mcglothin, Sofia Embid, Bonnie Gayle, and Joe Perez
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Filmmaker Statement
This was part of Rebel without a crew, where we had to shoot the movie with only $7k and no crew. My goal was to make anything cohesive , funny, and simply not shitty. The movies biggest influence I think is “After Hours” and slacker movies like “clerks” “knocked up” “Shaun Of the dead” and more.
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Salvia Divinorum is an often misunderstood and powerful psychedelic plant used by the Mazatec shama...