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Panda Bear It
- Drama
Local rapper Kamus Leonardo’s world is upended upon the sudden death of his girlfriend Destiny. To make matters worse he’s hanging out with a panda bear. A surreal feature film from Evan Kidd.
Runtime 63
Released 2020
Director Evan Kidd
Producer Evan Kidd
Writer Evan Kidd
Cast Kamus Leonardo, Eric Hartley
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Filmmaker Statement
I created Panda Bear It as a way to talk about grief in a multitude of ways by blending drama, surrealism, and comedy. It's both tragic, and unseen, while never being exactly same for two people. Music also is the healing method through which our main character Kamus Leonardo finds himself in this story. I think this is a story for our current day that will be relatable to all who have loved, lost, and found the courage to continue onward.
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