Impossible to Imagine

  • Drama

The story of a traditional, Kyoto woman who runs a failing, kimono business and the biracial entrepreneur who comes to help keep it solvent. Along the way they fall in love but his need for change clashes with her desire for the world to stay the same.

Runtime 88

Released 2019

Director Felicity Tillack

Producer Hamish Downie

Writer Felicity Tillack

Cast Yukiko Ito, William Yagi, Kazuya Moriyama

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Filmmaker Statement

Impossible to Imagine is a romantic film, shot within the beautiful city of Kyoto. While providing social commentary on Japan, it also explores universal themes of identity, love and acceptance. A child of two cultures, Hayato struggles to find his place anywhere, which often results in frustration. Ami however, strong in her sense of self, holds tightly onto what she loves: her business, her family, and the past. The film asks, what does it mean to be Japanese? Will, in the face of rapid aging, and depopulation, Japan accept those who don't fit the traditional definition of what it means to be Japanese?

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