In a misguided attempt to protect his friend from an extortionist, a man hijacks a blackmail scheme...
- Drama
In this psychological thriller, a father deals with the startling disappearance of his daughter and the destructive effects of his wife’s grief. The loss consumes both him and his reality as he tries to escape from him own pain.
Runtime 76
Released 2020
Director Steve Dayton
Producer Steve Dayton
Writer Steve Dayton
Cast Jason Anderson, Meredith Ball, Conrad Dayton, Harvey Dayton, Iris Dayton, Josephine Dayton, Stacey Dayton, Steve Dayton
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Filmmaker Statement
gIVE was create out of my two greatest fears, as a child I always had thoughts that I would be taken away from my parents mostly by aliens. As a father I now fear the loss of my children more than anything else.
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- Documentary
Salvia Divinorum is an often misunderstood and powerful psychedelic plant used by the Mazatec shama...