Elliot and Zander Weaver spent years making documentary and narrative shorts. The experience provided them with the skills (and the patience) to make their first feature, COSMOS, which has become a n...
- Interview
Noted micro-budget filmmaker Noam Kroll just released his second feature, Psychosynthesis. We spoke with Noam about his production methods and what keeps him coming back to make truly independent mov...
We spoke with Daniel Lotz about the release his first feature, Chlorine. The movie is a prime example of how important it is to find people you enjoy collaborating with and make a movie for the joy o...
Like Josh Stifter, Alejandro Montoya Marin was also featured in the Robert Rodriguez-produced series “Rebel Without A Crew” for the El Rey network. The series followed five filmmakers as...
We spoke with writer/director/cinematographer Felicity Tillack and producer Hamish Downie about their new film that tackles the subjects of multiculturalism and identity in Japan. The movie is Imposs...
- Interview
IFJ spoke with Omar Naim and Russ Lichter about their new film, Becoming. Among the many valuable lessons shared, it seems that hyper organization, communication, and openness to the ideas of others...
IFJ was fortunate to have the opportunity to talk with Josh Stifter, alumni of the Robert Rodriguez-produced Rebel Without A Crew series and director of The Good Exorcist, about his latest film, Grey...
- Budgets
Films already have several applied classifications to help viewers find movies that they’ll enjoy. Ratings and genres are the two main taxonomies. When it comes to budgets, however, there are t...
- Producing
The fear of failure acts a deterrent for everyone, in all aspects of life. Whether it’s expressing interest in someone, applying for a job, opening a business, signing up for a class, or speaki...
- Announcement
If you’re here, there’s a solid chance you’re a fan of independent film, a filmmaker, or some combination of the two. As people who tick both boxes, we are always looking to discove...